To inhabit is to live or reside in a territory, to occupy a space, to settle down and put down roots, although one can also inhabit displacement, memory, bodies or desires, to wander and travel through them. What does it mean to make a space inhabitable? To make it friendly to life.

The 32nd Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones de Barcelona (MIFDB) returns to theatres and squares with a programme that has cartographies as its backbone. Through the eyes of the filmmakers selected for this year’s edition, we will inhabit spaces and territories, unique and interconnected microcosms. Their cinematic gaze will seek to illuminate and reconstruct blind zones: pixelated and inaccessible spaces like borders and prisons, pages torn out of history books unspeakable desires that defy narrative. Can cinema make a space, a body, a memory more habitable? Can images trace new cartographies?

This edition concentrates on two points in the year:
Vol. I – Between 21 May and 7 July 2024.
Vol. II – Between September and December 2024

The image of MIFDB 32nd edition
For the third time the visual artist Marina Siero (@marinasiero) has taken on the challenge of capturing the spirit of the edition in an image. For this reason she has created an imaginary cartography where textures and visual techniques such as illustration, photography, archiving and painting – in the same way as memory, bodies, language and territories – are related in a cooperative way.