Current program
Birth Cultures Film Forums
La Bonne. Francesca Bonnemaison Women’s Culture Center
From December 1, 2021 to January 13, 2022
Previous programs
At La Casa Elizalde
9th, 23rd november and 14th december
Conegudes (també) a casa
From september to november in different catalan towns
Feminist Film Manifestos VII
11th, 12th and 13th november
Video of the minute: Cyberspace
Virtual release
Parallel activities
3rd and 10th june, and 7th july
Different spaces
Child session
5th and 6th june
At Filmoteca de Catalunya
La Mostra moves to Sant Quirze del Vallés
From 18th february to 2nd july
In La Patronal
Archipelago Project
Call and sessions
Purple Meridians
At CCCB, Centre Cívic Pati Llimona and online
15th, 22nd, 27th november and 2nd december
Cinema out of place
In different squares of Barcelona
From 29th june to 29th july
Film criticism from feminisms
2nd july
Dorothy Arzner, a woman in the dream factory
From 2nd to 30th june
At Filmoteca de Catalunya
Latin American Documentalists 2021
7th,14th and 21st may
At Girona Cinema
Monograph: Margaret Tait
From 11th to 18th february
Archipelago closing ceremony 2021
At Zumzeig Cinecooperativa
10th december
La Mostra es mou
In different catalan towns during the year 2021
The memory of Cecilia Mangini
From 1st to 12th june
At Filmoteca de Catalunya
Virtual programming
In Filmin
From 18th to 27th june
Thinker: Remedios Zafra
20th April
At Girona Cinema
From 1st to 13th june 2021
At Filmoteca de Catalunya